Get certified to share what you love! Polish your acro skills while you learn to teach acroyoga.
Bryce Hodgkinson, Elliot Fudge, Hayley Silberg, and Miles Kroeker discovered acroyoga through different movement modalities and bring complementary perspectives on developing confident and capable acro teachers. We want to empower people to grow safe, creative, inclusive acroyoga communities, so we crafted this intensive program which offers students biomechanical tools and practical facilitation skills to share acro with the world.
Each module covers close to 2 full days and includes skill fundamentals, teaching practice, and theory discussions. This teacher training will culminate in a practical and written assessment, and ultimately, instill in each participant the efficacy to share acro in their own safe, unique and vibrant style. Unless your natural style isn’t vibrant.
Most days are at Move to Move, located at 1010-2600 Portland St SE, Calgary, AB T2G 4M6. The final day is a small festival taught entirely by the new teachers.
1) Foundational Refinement
2) Transitions and Calibrations
3) Whips and Pops
4) Standing Acrobatics
5) Creativity, Performance, and Acro Business Skills
6) Washing Machines and Therapeutics
The modules run every day of the training.
First 6: $1200
Second 6: $1300
Regular price: $1400
We’re offering a buddy discount. If you submit your pre-requisite videos with a partner who is also attending, you both get $50 off the price. If you’ve already paid, we will return $50 after we see the buddy pre-req videos.
Please visit www.acroyogacalgary.com/teachertraining for more details and for payment.