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February 9 - February 11


Don’t miss out on this epic pre-fest event with 2 of Europes best teaching duos – Pri and Anna and Acrolinks (Jessica and Marco)!

​​Join these incredibly skilled teachers for an intense three-day training that will have you whipping, popping and throwing all kinds of crazy skills! 

All 4 teachers are masters of Icarians, Whip-pops, Hand to Hands and much more. Over the course of the 3 days pre-fest they will provide the drills and progressions building up to skills like Foot Juggling, Back Tucks, No Hands Castaways, Mortalitos, Podcheskas, and so much more.

Don’t miss your chance to get their high-level coaching and learn from some of the best acro teachers in the world.

This event is prior to the AcroSpirit Acroyoga Bali Festival and a great way to prepare for the festival.



  • L-base Hand to Hand
  • Two High
  • Tarzan Whip
  • Icarian Throne to Bird and Bird to Throne
  • Some Experience in Standing Hand to Hand (with spotter is okay)

Over the course of the pre-festival you can expect focused training sessions working on drills and progressions to unlock advanced acro skills. The aim will be to give time to practice and learn tricks in a safe and progressive way that builds up to some satisfying attempts at big acro skills.

Sessions will be focussed on a set/area of skills, for example standing hand to hands and podcheskas, or front tucks and no hands castaways.

The planned peak skills to be covered are as follows (please note that this is subject to change, and may also be adjusted depending on safety and suitability):

  • Martinis
  • Front Tucks
  • Back Tucks
  • No Hands Castaway
  • Foot Juggling Icarians
  • Whips
  • Mortalitos
  • Tarzan 360s
  • Standing Hand to Hand Entries
  • Standing Rev Hand to Hand
  • Podcheska

You can see the full schedule below for an idea of the flow of the training sessions.



Anna has been always involved in sports from young. Gymnastics in her childhood gave her some acrobatic abilities and body awareness.

Later, she also practiced and taught pole vault, human towers, and pole sport. She discovered acroyoga in 2019 and soon decided to focus more into the dynamic and acrobatic part, focusing her practice on whips, pops and especially icarians.

She has taught in many international acro gatherings around the world, and is part of the DAP teachers team.

Pri started his acroyoga and partner acrobatic journey in 2012 and since the beginning focused on fluidity and on the investigation of new and dynamic movements.

Pri loves all kinds of whipping movements with their momentum that creates fluidity as well as the feeling of freedom and the height Icarian Games offers them.
Pri is one of the first Acro Love certified teachers in Europe. Particularly concerned about inclusion, in his teaching journey he aims to see each one of his students flourish, providing skills and progressions to suit everyone’s needs. Thanks to his nomad life and after living in different countries, he speaks several languages and his workshops can be taught in English, Spanish, Italian and Catalan.

He has organized intensive and advanced acroyoga and acrobatic workshops, as well as taken part in retreats, festivals, and meetings. He is also the co-founder and teacher of the DAP – Dynamic Acro Program, the Icarian Convention and the Spanish Acro Convention.


It’s like a little explosion, what comes together here. Marco (Cuzio): has always been fascinated by observing the biomechanics of acrobatic movement. And Jessica: is passionate about finding the best preparing paths to build a functional acrobatic movement. Together they are Acrolinks.

​And since they train and teach together, they are setting new standards in Acro, especially in Icarians. Not knowing each other yet, they both started their acrobatic journey as parkour teachers in Italy. One of the reasons, why solo acrobatics plays a fundamental role in their practice, understanding of the movements and also in their teaching.

When they first met, they immediately recognized in each other a special and similar way of feeling and expressing the movement, which created an unbelievable connection through which they could instinctively trust each other. This also influences their workshops and classes, as it is important for both, that the students first find out the sensation of an acrobatic movement and get in touch with their own preparation, so once they try in partner acrobatics, they will be supported by this knowledge of their body.

What they love about this kind of teaching, is seeing students transform their practice and understanding the movement and at the same time understanding their Acro-partners in a more supportive way. For being able to realize this harmony in the movements, both emphasize the importance of a constructive communication, the feeling of oneself and the partner, so both can step into a physical and non-physical dialogue. That’s probably their secret, cause otherwise they would not be able to step over the limits as they regularly do and invent new crazy movements.


The price includes 3 days of pre-festival training content and coaching. Food and accommodation is NOT included.



February 9
February 11
Event Category:

